Trinity Resource Solutions Celebrates 2nd Birthday!

Trinity started out as the three Amigos Nads, Tom, and Alex, starting out in a small office with barely enough space to swing a cat, fast forward to now and the team has expanded to an energetic team of 12 in the beautiful and scenic Marlow.

In the two years the team has had two trinity babies, record placements, questionable facial hair, wacky sales days, stress eating moments and above all – the drive to redefine recruitment.

Nads – “Trinity came from the trials and tribulations of recruitment. Created by the three forces of nature being myself, Tom, and Alex. We had a goal of wanting to take recruitment at its current level and make it better, sustainable and a great place to work. The seed and dream of Trinity wouldn’t be possible without Paul – CEO. He gave us everything we needed and the belief we could make it. We’ve had our ups and downs, moved more times than a removal company, we have found our spiritual and workplace home in Marlow. Trinity is like a family, but not the kind you want to avoid at a Christmas dinner.”

Tom – “It’s been a wild ride the last two years; it’s been great to see people join our vision and journey and contribute to the success of the business.”

It’s been a long, hard road and Trinity is going in the right direction, Paul has been a great encouragement and mentor in helping us grow, expand the team, reward us, and grow us financially.

Trinity isn’t your typical recruiter, having excelled and cemented the brand with clients that are part of the top 5 brands in the world as well as tapping into sectors such as AI, FMCG and tech.

With big plans made for next year, 2024 is already prosperous. Trinity plans on taking over the recruitment scene.